
How does the EBICS initialization take place?

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Generally, EBICS initialization means exchanging public keys: You send your public subscriber keys to your bank, and your bank sends their public bank keys to you. Using the keys, you and your bank can then verify that any sent information – signed using the keys – is genuine.

The initialization procedure includes the following artifacts and procedure steps:

(1) EBICS access information and printed public bank keys


After your organization has requested EBICS access, your bank sends a user letter to you. It includes the user data and other relevant access information for you to create the bank access.

The printed public bank keys are often published on the bank's website or are part of the user letter.

Some banks return a confirmation letter that includes the printed public bank keys only after they have verified your public subscriber keys (step 4).

(2) Electronic public subscriber keys


As part of the bank access configuration, JustOn Cash Management creates your subscriber keys and transfers the public subscriber key electronically to your bank.

(3) Printed public subscriber keys


After adding the bank access, you are prompted to download the initialization letter, which includes your printed public subscriber keys. You send this document to your bank via postal mail or email.

(4) Public subscriber keys validation


Your bank compares the public subscriber keys received electronically with the ones sent with the initialization letter.

(5) Electronic public bank keys


Now you proceed to validate the public bank keys: This makes JustOn Cash Management fetch the public bank keys electronically.

(6) Public bank keys validation


Then you compare the public bank keys received electronically with the printed public bank keys.

Once you confirm the keys' validity, JustOn Cash Management completes the bank access setup. This makes the involved bank accounts ready for the EBICS-based data exchange with your bank.
