
Initializing Banking Operations

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JustOn Cash Management can integrate your Salesforce org with your bank in order to exchange payment information.


Prior to using the banking connection of JustOn Cash Management, your business must enter into a (usually chargeable) contract on the intended data access with your bank. The contract must specify, among others, the users who work with the software and the relevant bank accounts.

Please consider the banking-related specifics and conditions summarized in Banking Preconditions. For a general onboarding checklist, see How-To: Integrating With Banks.

Contact your bank in order to determine the EBICS-relevant information. Use our onboarding form for your convenience.

How does the EBICS initialization take place?

Generally, EBICS initialization means exchanging public keys: You send your public subscriber keys to your bank, and your bank sends their public bank keys to you. Using the keys, you and your bank can then verify that any sent information – signed using the keys – is genuine.

The initialization procedure includes the following artifacts and procedure steps:

(1) EBICS access information and printed public bank keys


After your organization has requested EBICS access, your bank sends a user letter to you. It includes the user data and other relevant access information for you to create the bank access.

The printed public bank keys are often published on the bank's website or are part of the user letter.

Some banks return a confirmation letter that includes the printed public bank keys only after they have verified your public subscriber keys (step 4).

(2) Electronic public subscriber keys


As part of the bank access configuration, JustOn Cash Management creates your subscriber keys and transfers the public subscriber key electronically to your bank.

(3) Printed public subscriber keys


After adding the bank access, you are prompted to download the initialization letter, which includes your printed public subscriber keys. You send this document to your bank via postal mail or email.

(4) Public subscriber keys validation


Your bank compares the public subscriber keys received electronically with the ones sent with the initialization letter.

(5) Electronic public bank keys


Now you proceed to validate the public bank keys: This makes JustOn Cash Management fetch the public bank keys electronically.

(6) Public bank keys validation


Then you compare the public bank keys received electronically with the printed public bank keys.

Once you confirm the keys' validity, JustOn Cash Management completes the bank access setup. This makes the involved bank accounts ready for the EBICS-based data exchange with your bank.


EBICS keys are valid for one year. If the keys are used (for uploading payment orders or retrieving bank statements) within the last 30 days of their validity, JustOn Cash Management automatically renews these keys, making them available for another year. If the expiry date has passed without renewing the keys, JustOn Cash Management disables the bank access, and users must repeat the EBICS initialization.

Initializing JustOn Cash Management for the proper EBICS-based operation with banks includes the following tasks:

Contracting Data Access With Bank

Prior to using the banking connection of JustOn Cash Management, your business must enter into a (usually chargeable) contract on the intended data access with your bank. Before setting up and using JustOn Cash Management, make sure to determine the EBICS-relevant information. For details, see Configuration Details.


Use our onboarding form for your convenience.

Adding Bank Access

Before interacting with a bank, you must add the relevant configuration for the EBICS-based bank access to JustOn Cash Management. The relevant details are stored in EBICS bank account credential records.


The bank accounts from which a user wants to fetch banking transactions must be subject to a corresponding contract with your bank. In this context, your bank provides the partner ID and the user ID, which are required for configuring the bank access.

  1. Click to access the App Launcher, and select Setup Cash Management.
  2. Open the EBICS Bank Account Credentials tab.
  3. Click New.
  4. Specify the bank access information.

    The mandatory information include:

    Optionally, you can deselect the Lock to creator checkbox. Doing so, you will allow other users to change and use your bank access configuration.

    Adding bank access information

  5. Click Next.

    This adds the new bank access configuration and initiates the generation of your subscriber keys.

  6. Click Finish.

    Check the status of the produced EBICS bank account credential record. Once completed, it has the status Ini letter created.

  7. From the produced EBICS bank account credential record, download the initialization letter.

    The PDF copy of the initialization letter is attached to the record and accessible via the Files related list.


  8. Print the letter, sign it and send it to your bank.

    The bank will verify your public subscriber keys. In the EBICS context, this procedure is referred to as subscriber initialization.

Validating Keys


Validating the submitted public bank keys requires that your bank has activated the technical user access for JustOn Cash Management (see Bank Access Requirements).


After validating the keys, JustOn Cash Management saves the relevant information on the involved bank accounts to dedicated Bank Account records, including some default values for specific features.

If you have upgraded from a pre-1.49 version, you may have to manually adjust the required values in the Initial Payment Status picklist before proceeding to validate the keys. For details, see Enabling Initial Payment Statuses.

After your bank has verified the generated public subscriber keys for your bank access and returned the confirmation letter, you can proceed to validate the submitted public bank keys.

  1. Click to access the App Launcher, and select Setup Cash Management.
  2. Open the EBICS Bank Account Credentials tab to access your bank access configurations.
  3. Open the pending bank access.

    The relevant EBICS bank account credential record must have the status Ini letter created.

  4. Click Validate.

    This fetches the public bank keys from your bank.

  5. Compare the displayed keys with those in the confirmation letter.


    Make sure that the displayed public bank keys are identical to those in the confirmation letter received from your bank. If the keys differ, contact JustOn Support or your bank.

    Be aware that any inconsistencies may indicate fraud or abuse.

    Displaying public bank keys for comparison

  6. If the information matches, select the confirmation checkbox.

  7. Click Next.

    This completes the bank access validation, setting the EBICS bank account credential status Active. The involved bank accounts are now ready for bank data retrieval, direct debit order creation or credit transfer order creation.


The EBICS subscriber keys produced by JustOn Cash Management are valid for one year.

If the subscriber keys are used (for uploading payment orders or retrieving bank statements) within the last 30 days of their validity, JustOn Cash Management automatically renews these keys, making them available for another year. If the expiry date has passed without renewing the keys, JustOn Cash Management disables the bank access, and users must repeat the EBICS initialization.

Configuring Business Entity

In order to take part in the SEPA payment order exchange, your business needs a SEPA Creditor Identifier. This ID allows future debtors as well as debtor banks to identify a creditor independently from any relationship with a bank. For details about the ID, how to obtain it, etc., see Creditor Identifier Overview.

Once you have obtained the SEPA Creditor Identifier, you add it to the corresponding business entity.

  1. Click to access the App Launcher, and select Setup Cash Management.
  2. Open the Business Entities tab.
  3. Click the business entity name to open its detail view and click Edit, or click New to create a new business entity.
  4. Specify the information as required.

    The mandatory information include:

    Field Description
    Company Name The legal name of the business entity
    Tax Id The tax (VAT) ID of the business entity
    SEPA Creditor Id The SEPA Creditor Identifier of the business entity
    Address The legal address of the business entity
    Preferred Bank Account The bank account for the money transfer
  5. Click Save.

    This completes the business entity configuration, preparing it for the direct debit order creation.

Configuring SEPA Batch Booking Creation

SEPA Direct Debit and SEPA Credit Transfer allow to combine multiple transactions using a Batch Booking parameter. This setting controls how the combined transactions are displayed on bank statements – usually, batched transactions appear as one bank statement item. Organizations use this option to avoid information disclosure.

Be aware that banks still process batched transactions individually. The subsequent handling does not change: each transaction results in a single payment, whether it is part of a batch or not.


Make sure that the option for enabling batch bookings is properly set up. For details, see Enabling SEPA Batch Booking Control.

To enable SEPA batch bookings for a bank account:

  1. Click to access the App Launcher, and select View All > Bank Accounts.

    For easy access, you may want to add the Bank Accounts tab to the navigation bar. For details, see Customizing Navigation Bar.

  2. Click the name of the relevant bank account to open its detail view.

  3. Select the batch booking mode.

    For direct debits, click next to the SEPA Direct Debit Batch Booking field, then select on.

    For credit transfers, click next to the SEPA Credit Transfer Batch Booking field, then select on.

    Value Description
    off No batch booking (default)
    on Forced batch booking
  4. Select the initial payment status.

    Click next to the Initial Payment Status field and select either Pending or Collected.

    If you have upgraded JustOn Cash Management from a pre-1.49 version, you may have to add the new values for the initial payment status field first. For details, see Enabling Initial Payment Statuses.

    Value Description
    Pending Default value, indicates that the request has been sent to the bank, sets open amount
    Collected Indicates that the money has been moved, sets both open amount and collected amount

    Use Collected as the initial payment status only if your bank does not produce individual transaction records for batch bookings (which would not allow automatic settlement), because this will immediately balance out the related entries.

  5. Click Save.

    This saves the batch booking mode for the selected bank account. When users generate SEPA orders, JustOn Cash Management will combine the involved transactions for this bank account into one batch booking.

Configuring Proprietary Bank Account Identifier

Some banks work with old or proprietary bank account identifiers instead of the IBAN, and, accordingly, produce CAMT.053 bank statement files without IBAN. In that case, the bank data retrieval with JustOn Cash Management will fail. To support these banks, you must add the proprietary bank identifier to the relevant bank account record.


Check whether your bank's listing includes a corresponding note in Supported Banks.

Make sure that the option for enabling proprietary bank account identifiers is properly set up. For details, see Enabling Proprietary Bank Account Identifiers.

  1. Click to access the App Launcher, and select View All > Bank Accounts.

    For easy access, you may want to add the Bank Accounts tab to the navigation bar. For details, see Customizing Navigation Bar.

  2. Click the name of the relevant bank account to open its detail view.

  3. Specify the proprietary bank account identifier for this bank account.
  4. Click Save.

    This saves the proprietary bank account identifier for the given bank account, enabling the bank data retrieval with JustOn Cash Management.

Enabling Bank Access Status Display

Users may require to easily assess the current status of the bank access in a graphical representation. To this end, JustOn Cash Management provides a dedicated status component, which you can, optionally, add to the EBICS Bank Account Credential record page.

To do so:

  1. Open the EBICS Bank Account Credential record detail page in the Lightning App Builder.

    1. Open an EBICS Bank Account Credential record.

      Click to access the App Launcher, and select Setup Cash Management > EBICS Bank Account Credentials > record name.

    2. Click to open the Setup menu, then select Edit Page.

  2. Modify the page layout.

    Add the EBICS Process States component (under Custom - Managed) to an appropriate region of the record page.

  3. Click Save.

    This makes the customized record page available to users, enabling them to easily assess the current bank access status on the EBICS Bank Account Credential detail view.

For more details about editing Lightning pages, see Create and Configure Lightning Experience Record Pages in the Salesforce Help.

Sharing Bank Access Configurations

By default, an EBICS bank account credential record is locked to the user who has created it. This prevents other users from changing and using the relevant bank access configuration. Your business may, however, require to share one bank access between multiple users. To this end, users who have created an EBICS bank account credential record can release the lock.

This is how to proceed:

  1. As a user who has created it, open the relevant EBICS bank account credential record.

    1. Click to access the App Launcher, and select Setup Cash Management.
    2. Change to the EBICS Bank Account Credentials tab.
    3. Click the name of the relevant EBICS bank account credential record.
  2. Click next to the Lock to creator checkbox.

  3. Deselect the Lock to creator checkbox.
  4. Click Save.

    This will allow other users to change and use your bank access configuration.