
Configuring Customer Notifications

JustOn Cash Management can inform customers automatically about the result of certain business processes. To this end, it makes use of the messaging mechanism based on customer notifications.

Customer Notification Overview

JustOn Cash Management produces messages to customers on certain events based on customer notifications. See these records as templates for the messages. They define, notably

  • the business process and condition, that is, the event that triggers the notification,
  • the distribution channel, and
  • the message content.

Since the business processes in JustOn Cash Management are centered around entries, the recipient information is always taken from the contact as associated to the entry. The contact, in turn, must provide the relevant address information, like an email address.

Customer Notification information
Field Description
Name A descriptive name for the current customer notification.
Active Specifies if the current customer notification is active.
Business Process The business process to which the current customer notification is related.
Currently, only Payment Run is supported.
Notification Condition The condition or event in the specified business process that will trigger a message based on the current customer notification.
Distribution Channel The distribution channel that will be used for delivering the message based on the current customer notification.
Currently, only Salesforce EMail is supported.
Locale The language and regional preferences applicable when rendering amounts and dates retrieved by placeholders in the Summary and Message fields of the current customer notification.
Falls back to en_US if empty.
Sender The sender information to be used for the current customer notification.
For Salesforce EMail, it can be either an organization-wide email address or Auto for the email address of the current user.
Hidden Recipients A comma-separated list of additional recipient addresses that will not be visible by the recipient of the message based on the current customer notification.
Summary A short summary of the message, can include placeholders.
For Salesforce EMail, this will be used as the email subject.
Message The (rich text/HTML) message text, can include placeholders.
For Salesforce EMail, this will be used as the email body.
Use Global Email Signature For the distribution channel Salesforce EMail, indicates whether the global email signature is added to the message (selected, default) or not (unselected).
Message creation workflow

This is how the message creation based on customer notifications works:

(1) JustOn Cash Management checks for active customer notifications. Business Process, Notification Condition and Locale are the basis for selecting the relevant customer notification record. If there is no matching customer notification record, JustOn Cash Management will not issue a message.

(2) JustOn Cash Management checks for the message recipient and hidden recipients. The contact as associated to the entry must specify the relevant address information. If there is neither a valid contact nor a hidden recipient, JustOn Cash Management will not issue a message.

(3) Optionally, JustOn Cash Management creates a new payment link and saves it in the entry's Payment Link field.

(4) JustOn Cash Management builds the message. It renders the final text, retrieving the actual values for the included placeholders (rendering numbers, amounts and date/time values according to the given locale).

(5) JustOn Cash Management saves the message according to the given context: entry-related messages to the corresponding entry's Last Notification field, and payment instrument-related messages to the corresponding payment instrument's Last Capture Notification field.

(6) Finally, JustOn Cash Management pushes the message to the selected distribution channel.

Payment Run Customer Notifications

In the payment run context (where Business Process is set to Payment Run), JustOn Cash Management currently supports notifications for the following events:

Payment Run Result Notification Condition Description
No active payment instrument Payment Invitation The amount of the related (eligible) entry cannot be captured because there is no active payment instrument.
Success Payment Successful The amount of the related entry has been successfully captured using the related payment instrument.
Entry failure Entry Excluded The amount of the related entry could not be captured because of errors in the entry, which is therefore excluded from further payment runs.
Payment instrument failure Payment Instrument Deactivated The amount of the related entry could not be captured because of errors in the related payment instrument, which is therefore deactivated.

JustOn Cash Management stores the actual messages produced during the payment run with the relevant records:

  • Messages produced when no active payment instrument is found are saved to the corresponding (eligible) entry's Last Notification field. In addition, JustOn Cash Management creates a payment link and saves it to the entry's field Payment Link field.
  • Messages produced on successful capture or because of an entry failure are saved to the corresponding entry's Last Notification field.
  • Messages produced because of a payment instrument failure are saved to the corresponding payment instrument's Last Capture Notification field.

For payment run-related customer notifications, JustOn Cash Management supports the following (built-in) placeholders in the Summary and Message fields.

Notification conditions Payment Successful and Payout Successful
Placeholder Description
[account-holder] The account holder of the payment instrument
[masked-pan] The masked PAN of the payment instrument
[payment-reference] The payment reference of the entry
[payment-method] The payment method of the entry
[statement-payment-due-date] The statement payment due date of the entry
[title] The title of the entry
[collected-amount] The amount that has been collected from the payment provider
Notification condition Payment Invitation
Placeholder Description
[account-holder] The account holder of the payment instrument
[masked-pan] The masked PAN of the payment instrument
[payment-reference] The payment reference of the entry
[payment-method] The payment method of the entry
[statement-payment-due-date] The statement payment due date of the entry
[title] The title of the entry
[payent-reference] payment reference
[payable-amount] payable amount
[statement-payment-due-date] The statement payment due date of the entry
[title] The title of the entry
[payment-link] The automatically generated payment link that can be used by the recipient to manually pay the entry
Notification conditions Payment: Entry Excluded and Payout: Entry Excluded
Placeholder Description
[account-holder] The account holder of the payment instrument
[masked-pan] The masked PAN of the payment instrument
[payment-reference] The payment reference of the entry
[payment-method] The payment method of the entry
[statement-payment-due-date] The statement payment due date of the entry
[title] The title of the entry
[open-amount] The open amount of the entry
[payment-run-exclusion-reason] The reason why the entry has been excluded from payment runs
[payment-link] The automatically generated payment link that can be used by the recipient to manually pay the entry
Notification conditions Payment: Payment Instrument Deactivated and Payout: Payment Instrument Deactivated
Placeholder Description
[account-holder] The account holder of the payment instrument
[masked-pan] The masked PAN of the payment instrument
[payment-reference] The payment reference of the entry
[payment-method] The payment method of the entry
[statement-payment-due-date] The statement payment due date of the entry
[title] The title of the entry
[open-amount] The open amount of the entry
[deactivation-reason] The reason why the payment instrument has been deactivated
[payment-link] The automatically generated payment link that can be used by the recipient to manually pay the entry

Managing Customer Notifications

Administrators create and manage customer notification records, which serve as templates for the messages to be sent to customers on certain events.

Defining Customer Notifications

To create or edit a customer notification:

  1. Click to access the App Launcher, and select Setup Cash Management.
  2. Open the Customer Notifications tab.
  3. Click New to create a new record, or click and select Edit next to an existing record to modify it.
  4. Specify the details as necessary.

    The mandatory information includes

    • Name – the (unique) name of the customer notification record
    • Business Process – the related business process; currently, only Payment Run is supported
    • Notification Condition – the condition or event in the given business process to trigger the message
    • Distribution Channel – the intended distribution channel; currently, only Salesforce EMail is supported
    • Locale – the language and regional preferences; falls back to en_US if left empty
    • Sender – the sender information
    • Summary – the "short version" of the message; the email subject for Salesforce EMail

    Additional information may include

    • Message – the complete message text (rich text/HTML); the email body for Salesforce EMail
    • Hidden Recipients – additional, undisclosed recipient addresses

    For details, see Customer Notification Overview.

  5. Click Save.

    This saves the specified information as required.

    Once a customer notification record is available and set Active, JustOn Cash Management automatically sends the messages as defined.

Activating or Deactivating Customer Notifications

To activate or deactivate a customer notification:

  1. Open the customer notification record you want to activate or deactivate.

    1. Open the Customer Notifications tab.
    2. Click and select Edit next to the relevant record.
  2. Select (or deselect, respectively) the Active checkbox.

  3. Click Save.

    If set Active, JustOn Cash Management automatically sends the messages as defined by the customer notification record.