
Enabling Installments

← Setting Up Invoice Management

To support staged payment plans for invoices, JustOn Billing & Invoice Management allows for setting up installments, which represent models for intended payment plans.

Enabling installments involves the following mandatory tasks:

Optional setup steps may include:

Once set up, there are various ways to have the payment plans created based on your installment types:

Installment Information

JustOn supports several use cases that rely on installments:

Fixed payment plans
You can calculate the payment plan based on a configurable number of installment payments and a configurable interval. Optionally, you can set fixed amounts or rates, otherwise JustOn distributes the amount equally to the installments. Once defined and set, this invariable model is applied to all accordingly produced invoices.
Service period-based payment plans

You may need to create installments that correspond to the service periods of invoice line items. So instead of configuring a model to be applied, you directly relate the payment plan to the service period months (or quarters). The resulting installment amounts for each invoice line item are evenly distributed across their respective service period fractions spanned by its total service period (as defined by the Invoice Line Item fields Service Period Start and Service Period End).

This provides for easily modeling recurring billing with "permanent" invoices.

For both fixed and service period-based payment plans, you can use the custom setting Installment.

Variable payment plans

You may have to cover individually negotiated conditions, like, for example, account-specific initial amounts. In this case, you also define a calculation model to be applied but allow for variable data (as individually retrieved from specific fields) as the input.

To support such scenarios, you apply custom installments using a JSON configuration.

Irrespective of the approach, the installment configuration provides the following information in custom setting fields or, respectively, JSON keys:

Required Description Examples
Name Required for the custom setting. Defines the name of the payment plan model, which is referred to by the field Installment Type on the invoice, subscription, opportunity or account.
The name must match with one of the picklist values of the Installment Type field on the invoice.
The period controls the number of installment payments and their interval. JustOn supports two approaches: service period-based installments and calculated installments.
For service period-based installments, the possible values include
Service Month – creates one installment per service month between the service period start and service period end of the invoice line item
Service Quarter – creates one installment per service quarter (= 3 service months) between the service period start and service period end of the invoice line item
For service period-based installments, leave Rate and Amount blank. The resulting installment amounts are evenly distributed across their respective service period fractions.
Service Month = one installment for each service month
For calculated installments, the configuration syntax is Nx(M), where N = interval, x = d | m (days or months), M = installments
M is optional.
The period calculation is based on the Payment Due Date(= the first installment date), unless you use a Date Reference. When using date references, you can set fix instead of 0m for a better readability.
You can combine different installment calculations defining multiple periods, separated by comma, like 1m(6),3m(2).
Since the first installment is bound to the payment due date – or, with Date Reference, to a custom date –, the first date definition for irregular dates determines the date of the second installment, the second that of the third, etc. However, you still need as many date definitions as intended installments. We recommend to use 0d as the last one to complete the number.
1m(12) = 12 installments, due once per month
30d(6) = 6 installments, due every 30 days
2m(4),120d = 5 installments, the first four are due every two months, the last is due 120 days after the penultimate
30d,90d,0d = 3 installments (with irregular dates), the first on the payment due date, the second 30 days after the first installment, the third 90 days after the second installment
fix,fix = 2 installments, each referring to a fixed date (see date references)
Date Reference
Date references "anchor" installments to one or more specific dates, unbinding them from the Payment Due Date. The syntax is CUSTOMFIELD__C(M)
where CUSTOMFIELD__C must be the API name of a date field on the invoice object, M = installments
M is optional.
You can address multiple installments by specifying multiple date references separated by comma. The first specified date reference refers to the first installment resulting from the Period definition.
If there are less date references than periods, JustOn uses the field Payment Due Date instead.
Date1__c(12) = 12 installments based on the field Date1__c. The corresponding installment cycle is defined using the Period value 1m(12).
FirstDueDate__c,SecondDueDate__c = 2 installments due at the dates defined by two custom fields. The corresponding period may be defined like fix,fix.
FirstDueDate__c,PaymentDueDate__c(3) = 4 installments, special date handling for the first one. The corresponding period may be defined like fix,2m(3).
The rate is applied to the Grand Total of the invoice. The syntax is N(M)
where N = % rate, M = installments
M is optional.
You can address multiple installments by specifying multiple rates separated by comma. The first specified rate refers to the first installment resulting from the Period definition.
If there are less rates than periods, JustOn distributes the remaining amount equally to the remaining installments.
20(5) = 5 installments, each with 20% of the grand total
20,30,50 = 3 installments with 20%, 30% and 50% of the grand total
25 = one installment of 25%, the remaining 75% are distributed equally to the remaining installments
The amount is taken from the Grand Total of the invoice. The syntax is N(M)
where N = installment amount, M = installments
M is optional.
You can address multiple installments by specifying multiple amounts separated by comma. The first specified amount refers to the first installment resulting from the Period definition.
If there are less amounts than periods, JustOn distributes the remaining amount equally to the remaining installments.
100(4) = 4 installments, each with the amount of 100. If the grand total is larger than 400, the last installment holds the remaining amount instead.
250.33 = one installment of 250,33, the remaining amount is distributed equally to the remaining installments
50(2) = 2 installments of 50 each, the remaining amount is distributed equally to the remaining installments.
The title for each installment in the installment table in the invoice PDF, can contain placeholders.
Preconfigured placeholders include
[PosNo] = number of the current installment
[InstallmentAmount] = amount of the current installment
[InstallmentRate] = rate of the current installment (only applicable if the rate configuration is used)
[InstallmentDate] = due date of the current installment
Installment custom setting
Installment [PosNo] ([InstallmentRate])
JSON configuration
"titles": {"default":{"default":"Installment [PosNo]"}}


Leaving Rate and Amount blank distributes the invoice amount equally to the installments as defined in Period.


Rate and Amount must not be used in the same installment configuration.

Installment Examples

This section summarizes some examples for the installment configuration, illustrating its behavior.

Four equally distributed monthly installments


Field Value
Grand Total 100,00
Payment Due Date 2017-12-05
Installment Type Four by Month

Installment custom setting

Field Value
Name Four by Month
Period 1m(4)
Title Installment [PosNo]

Resulting payment plan

Title Date Amount Rate
Installment 1 2017-12-05 25,00
Installment 2 2018-01-05 25,00
Installment 3 2018-02-05 25,00
Installment 4 2018-03-05 25,00
Five equally distributed monthly installments, due end of month, overwritten titles


Field Value
Grand Total 100,00
Payment Due Date 2017-12-31
Installment Type Five by Month

Installment custom setting

Field Value
Name Five by Month
Period 1m(5)
Title Installment [PosNo]
Title1__c First Rate
TitleLast__c Last Rate

Resulting payment plan

Title Date Amount Rate
First Rate 2017-12-31 20,00
Installment 1 2018-01-31 20,00
Installment 2 2018-02-28 20,00
Installment 3 2018-03-31 20,00
Last Rate 2018-04-30 20,00
Three installments, distributed by rate, regular period


Field Value
Grand Total 100,00
Payment Due Date 2017-12-05
Installment Type Three by Two Months

Installment custom setting

Field Value
Name Three by Two Months
Period 2m(3)
Rate 20,30,50
Title Installment [PosNo]

Resulting payment plan

Title Date Amount Rate
Installment 1 2017-12-05 20,00 20
Installment 2 2018-02-05 30,00 30
Installment 3 2018-04-05 50,00 50
Three installments, distributed by rate, irregular dates


Field Value
Grand Total 100,00
Payment Due Date 2018-03-15
Invoice Date 2018-03-01
Payment Due 14 (days)
Installment Type Three Irregular

Installment custom setting

Field Value
Name Three Irregular
Period 17d,103d,0d
Rate 20,30,50
Title Installment [PosNo]

Since the first installment is bound to the payment due date – or, with Date Reference, to a custom date –, the first date definition in Period determines the date of the second installment, the second that of the third, etc. However, you still need as many date definitions as intended installments. We recommend to use 0d as the last one to complete the number.

Resulting payment plan

Title Date Amount Rate
Installment 1 2018-03-15 20,00 20
Installment 2 2018-04-01 30,00 30
Installment 3 2018-07-13 50,00 50
Four installments, irregular dates, with custom date as anchor


Field Value
Grand Total 1000,00
Payment Due Date 2021-07-15
Invoice Date 2021-07-01
Date1__c 2021-07-30
Installment Type Four Irregular

Installment custom setting

Field Value
Name Four Irregular
Period 30d,90d,180d,0d
Date Reference Date1__c(4)
Title Installment [PosNo]

Since the first installment is bound to the payment due date – or, with Date Reference, to a custom date –, the first date definition in Period determines the date of the second installment, the second that of the third, etc. However, you still need as many date definitions as intended installments. We recommend to use 0d as the last one to complete the number.

Resulting payment plan

Title Date Amount Rate
Installment 1 2021-07-30 250,00
Installment 2 2021-08-29 250,00
Installment 3 2021-11-27 250,00
Installment 4 2022-05-26 250,00
Three installments with fixed first amount, regular period


Field Value
Grand Total 100,00
Payment Due Date 2017-12-05
Installment Type 30 Deposit

Installment custom setting

Field Value
Name 30 Deposit
Period 20d(3)
Amount 30
Title Installment [PosNo]

Resulting payment plan

Title Date Amount Rate
Installment 1 2017-12-05 30,00
Installment 2 2017-12-25 35,00
Installment 3 2018-08-14 35,00
Existing pre-payment, four equally distributed monthly installments

Invoice with prepaid balance

Field Value
Grand Total 100,00
Date 2018-06-01
Payment Due Date 2018-07-31
Prepayment -40,00
Installment Type Four by Month

Installment custom setting

Field Value
Name Four by Month
Period 1m(4)
Title Installment [PosNo]

Resulting payment plan

Title Date Amount Open Payment Amount Rate
Installment 1 2018-07-31 25,00 0,00
Installment 2 2018-08-31 25,00 10,00
Installment 3 2018-09-30 25,00 25,00
Installment 4 2018-10-31 25,00 25,00
Four equally distributed installments with custom date as anchor


Field Value
Grand Total 100,00
Payment Due Date 2017-12-05
Date1__c 2018-02-01
Installment Type Different Anchor

Installment custom setting

Field Value
Name Different Anchor
Period 1m(4)
Date Reference Date1__c(4)
Title Installment [PosNo]

Resulting payment plan

Title Date Amount Rate
Installment 1 2018-02-01 25,00
Installment 2 2018-03-01 25,00
Installment 3 2018-04-01 25,00
Installment 4 2018-05-01 25,00
Four equally distributed installments with custom dates


Field Value
Grand Total 100,00
Payment Due Date 2017-12-05
Date1__c 2018-02-03
Date2__c 2018-05-07
Date3__c 2018-11-13
Date4__c 2019-05-19
Installment Type Four custom dates

Installment custom setting

Field Value
Name Four custom dates
Period 0m(4) or
Date Reference Date1__c,Date2__c,Date3__c,Date4__c
Title Installment [PosNo]

Resulting payment plan

Title Date Amount Rate
Installment 1 2018-02-03 25,00
Installment 2 2018-05-07 25,00
Installment 3 2018-11-13 25,00
Installment 4 2019-05-19 25,00
Four equally distributed installments, first with custom date, others based on payment due date


Field Value
Grand Total 100,00
Payment Due Date 2018-03-01
Date1__c 2018-02-03
Installment Type One custom date

Installment custom setting

Field Value
Name One custom date
Period fix,15d(3)
Date Reference Date1__c
Title Installment [PosNo]

Resulting payment plan

Title Date Amount Rate
Installment 1 2018-02-03 25,00
Installment 2 2018-03-01 25,00
Installment 3 2018-03-16 25,00
Installment 4 2018-03-31 25,00
Four installments, distributed by rate, last with custom date, others based on payment due date


Field Value
Grand Total 100,00
Payment Due Date 2018-03-01
Date1__c 2019-12-31
Installment Type Last custom date

Installment custom setting

Field Value
Name Last custom date
Period 1m(3),fix
Date Reference PaymentDueDate__c(3),Date1__c
Rate 20(3)
Title Installment [PosNo]

Resulting payment plan

Title Date Amount Rate
Installment 1 2018-03-01 20,00
Installment 2 2018-04-01 20,00
Installment 3 2018-05-01 20,00
Installment 4 2019-12-31 40,00
Installments created per service month from invoice line item service periods

Assume an invoice (with a payment due of 10) created for a recurring item with a billing factor of 12.

# Quantity Unit Price Billing Factor Service Period Start Service Period End Tax Rate Pos Total (net)
1 1 100,00 12 2019-04-15 2020-04-14 19% 1200,00
Subtotal Net 1200,00
Tax 228,00
Grand Total 1428,00

For service month-based installments to work with one-time items, the billing factor and the billing unit must be empty.

Applying this installment custom setting

Field Value
Period Service Month
Title Installment [PosNo]

Produces the following payment plan (note that the installment date is calculated using ServicePeriodStart + PaymentDue):

Title Service Period Start Service Period End Date Amount
Installment 1 2019-04-15 2019-05-14 2019-04-25 119,00
Installment 2 2019-05-15 2019-06-14 2019-05-25 119,00
Installment 3 2019-06-15 2019-07-14 2019-06-25 119,00
Installment 12 2020-03-15 2020-04-14 2020-03-25 119,00

To display the service period in the installment table on the invoice PDF, specify the following configuration in the Installment Columns Template field: Title__c;ServicePeriodStart__c;ServicePeriodEnd__c;Date__c;Amount__c.

Installments created per service quarter from invoice line item service periods (using a JSON configuration)


Field Value
Grand Total 166,00
Installment Type Custom
CustomInstallment__c {
  "period":"Service Quarter",
      "default":"Installment [PosNo]"

Invoice line items

# Quantity Price Service Period Start Service Period End
1 1 120,00 2019-04-01 2019-09-31
2 1 46,00 2019-04-01 2019-05-31

The service period of the first invoice line item spans two quarters, so the price of 120,00 will be distributed over two installments of 60,00 each. The service period of the second invoice line item is within the first quarter, so the complete price of 46,00 is added to the first installment, which results in 106,00:

Title Service Period Start Service Period End Amount
Installment 1 2019-04-01 2019-06-30 106,00
Installment 2 2019-07-01 2019-09-31 60,00

To display the service period in the installment table on the invoice PDF, specify the following configuration in the Installment Columns Template field: Title__c;ServicePeriodStart__c;ServicePeriodEnd__c;Amount__c.

Fixed Installments

For fixed payment plans, you can use the custom setting Installment. Each installment custom setting represents an invariable model for the intended payment plan.

Depending on your organization's requirements, you must create individual installment settings to cover specific staged payment plans.

  1. Click to enter Setup, then open Custom Settings.

    In Salesforce Lightning, navigate to Custom Code > Custom Settings.

    In Salesforce Classic, navigate to Develop > Custom Settings.

  2. Click Manage in the row of Installment.

  3. Click New.
  4. Specify the details as necessary.

    The mandatory information include the name, period and title. Set a rate or amount as necessary.

    For details, see Installment Information.

  5. Click Save.

    This creates the new payment plan model.

    To make it available for subscriptions and invoices, you must add it to the value picklist for the Installment Type field of the Subscription or Invoice object.

Variable Installments

If your business requires variable payment plans, you apply custom installments using a JSON configuration instead of custom settings. This allows for covering individually negotiated conditions, like, for example, account-specific initial amounts. To this end, you need an additional custom field on the invoice that holds the JSON configuration.

Enabling custom installments involves:

  • Defining the configuration in JSON notation
  • Creating an additional custom field on the invoice that holds the JSON configuration
  • Setting the Installment Type field on the invoice (or the source object) to Custom


Irrespective of whether there is an Installment custom setting named 'Custom' in the organization, the system will retrieve the JSON-based variable installment configuration from the CustomInstallment field once this field is set.

Defining JSON Configuration

The JSON configuration for installments uses the same information and follows the same rules as the custom setting. The keys amount, dateReference, period, and rate are used and work exactly the same way. The titles key, however, differs – it expects the data in a map structure like "index" : { "language" : "value" } (see Overwriting Titles for Individual Installments and Languages).

Assume, for example, a payment plan that involves two installments, with a fixed first amount of 100. The corresponding JSON configuration would look like this:

    "period": "1m(2)",
    "amount": "100",
    "titles": {
            "default":"Installment [PosNo]",
            "de":"Rate [PosNo]"

As another example, assume you want to create installments for every quarter between the service period start and the service period end of an invoice. Note that in this case, you do not need to provide an amount or rate, as JustOn calculates the installments as the sum of the proportional distribution of the invoice line item amounts. The corresponding JSON configuration would look like this:

    "period": "Service Quarter",
    "titles": {
            "default":"Installment [PosNo]",
            "de":"Rate [PosNo]"

Creating Custom Installment Field

To hold the intended JSON configuration, you need the custom field CustomInstallment on the Invoice object. The field can be either a large text field to be filled from a source object via the ON field mechanism (or other automation means), or a formula field to produce the JSON, which allows for fetching values from other fields.

  1. Navigate to the fields list of the Invoice object.
  2. Create the following new field.

    API Name Data Type Description
    CustomInstallment Formula (Text)
    Text Area
    Specifies the JSON configuration for variable installments.

    As soon as you want to retrieve values from other fields, you use a formula. Make sure that in this case, you must apply Salesforce's rules for building formula fields (see Build a Formula Field in the Salesforce Help), namely enclosing the strings with quotation marks and combining the strings with the concatenation operator.

    Assume a payment plan that involves two installments, with a fixed first installment whose amount is fetched from a custom Account field First Installment. The formula to produce the JSON as required would look as follows:

    '{' &
    '    "period": "1m(2)",' &
    '    "amount": "' & ONB2__Account__r.First_Installment__c & '",' &
    '    "titles": {' &
    '        "default":{' &
    '            "default":"Installment [PosNo]",' &
    '            "de":"Rate [PosNo]"' &
    '        }' &
    '    }' &

    Assume a payment plan that involves four installments on defined dates (using dateReference) and with defined rates (using rate), see Installment Information. The formula to produce the JSON as required would look as follows:

    '{' &
    '    "period": "fix,fix,fix,fix",' &
    '    "dateReference": "' & "Date1__c" & ',' & "Date2__c" & ',' & "Date3__c" & ',' & "Date4__c" & '",' &
    '    "rate": "' & TEXT(Rate1__c * 100) & ',' & TEXT(Rate2__c * 100) & ',' & TEXT(Rate3__c * 100) & ',' & TEXT(Rate4__c * 100) & '",' &
    '    "titles": {' &
    '        "default": {' &
    '            "default": "Installment [PosNo]",' &
    '            "de": "Rate [PosNo]"' &
    '        }' &
    '    }' &

    Remember that date fields to be used as date reference must be defined on the invoice. You can still use the ON field mechanism (or other automation tools) to have them set automatically.

Setting Installment Type

If you apply variable installments using the CustomInstallment field, make sure to set the Installment Type field on the invoice (or the source object) to Custom.


You can use the ON field mechanism, Salesforce flows or other automation tools to have the Installment Type field set automatically in this case.

To allow for manually applying variable installments, you must add the value Custom to the value picklist for the Installment Type field of the Invoice object.

  1. Navigate to the Installment Type field of the Invoice object.
  2. In the Values section, click New.
  3. Type Custom into the text area.
  4. Click Save.

Adding Installments to Subscriptions or Invoices

Depending on whether you use installment custom settings or apply custom installments using a JSON configuration, the steps for enabling installments on subscriptions or invoices differ.

Using Installment Custom Setting

After defining the installment setting, you must make it available for subscriptions or invoices, depending on your business requirements. To do so, you add the intended installment types to the value picklist for the Installment Type field of the Subscription or Invoice object.

Make sure that the field Installment Type is visible in the subscription or invoice layout. For help about modifying page layouts, see Managing Page Layouts.

  1. Navigate to the Installment Type field of the Subscription or Invoice object.
  2. In the Values section, click New.
  3. Type the name of the defined installment type setting into the text area.

    The name must match one of the installment settings for fixed installments.

  4. Click Save.

    This makes the installment setting available for use with subscriptions or invoices. Repeat this step for every (previously defined) installment type that you want to make available.

For example configurations, see Installment Examples.


If you have not created an installment setting for fixed installments named Default, you may want to remove the Default value from the picklist. To do so, click Deactivate in the row of the Default value in the Values section (see Modifying Picklist Values).

Using JSON Configuration

To hold the intended JSON configuration, you need the custom field CustomInstallment on the Invoice object. You can fill this field from the subscription using the ON field mechanism. To this end, you create the field CustomInstallment on the Invoice object as a text field (see Creating Custom Installment Field) and, in addition, the custom field ON_CustomInstallment on the Subscription object.

  1. Navigate to the fields list of the Subscription object.
  2. Create the following new field.

    API Name Data Type Description
    ON_CustomInstallment Formula (Text) Specifies the formula that yields the JSON configuration for variable installments.

    As soon as you want to retrieve values from other fields, you use a formula. Make sure that in this case, you must apply Salesforce's rules for building formula fields (see Build a Formula Field in the Salesforce Help), namely enclosing the strings with quotation marks and combining the strings with the concatenation operator.

    Assume a payment plan that involves two installments, with a fixed first installment whose amount is fetched from a custom Account field First Installment. The formula to produce the JSON as required would look as follows:

    '{' &
    '    "period": "1m(2)",' &
    '    "amount": "' & ONB2__Account__r.First_Installment__c & '",' &
    '    "titles": {' &
    '        "default":{' &
    '            "default":"Installment [PosNo]",' &
    '            "de":"Rate [PosNo]"' &
    '        }' &
    '    }' &

    Assume a payment plan that involves four installments on defined dates (using dateReference) and with defined rates (using rate), see Installment Information. The formula to produce the JSON as required would look as follows:

    '{' &
    '    "period": "fix,fix,fix,fix",' &
    '    "dateReference": "' & "Date1__c" & ',' & "Date2__c" & ',' & "Date3__c" & ',' & "Date4__c" & '",' &
    '    "rate": "' & TEXT(Rate1__c * 100) & ',' & TEXT(Rate2__c * 100) & ',' & TEXT(Rate3__c * 100) & ',' & TEXT(Rate4__c * 100) & '",' &
    '    "titles": {' &
    '        "default": {' &
    '            "default": "Installment [PosNo]",' &
    '            "de": "Rate [PosNo]"' &
    '        }' &
    '    }' &

    Remember that date fields to be used as date reference must be defined on the invoice. You can still use the ON field mechanism (or other automation tools) to have them set automatically.

    Once set up, JustOn copies the JSON configuration produced by the formula to the invoice field CustomInstallment on invoice creation.

Adding Installments to Accounts or Arbitrary Objects

Depending on your business requirements, you can also make the installment settings available for use with accounts or objects based on which you create invoices using the generic invoice run. When defining an installment on the account or the accordingly configured source object, JustOn copies it to the invoice when creating an invoice for this account or from this object.

In addition, you can apply installments manually to draft or open invoices. This allows, for example, to help customers who have failed to pay an invoice: You retroactively provide a payment plan for an invoice that has already produced a dunning reminder. Remember that installments are not allowed for canceled invoices.

Depending on whether you use installment custom settings or apply custom installments using a JSON configuration, the steps for enabling installments on accounts or invoice source objects differ.

Using Installment Custom Setting

Making installment settings available for use with accounts or invoice source objects involves two steps:

  • Adding the field ON_InstallmentType to the Account or invoice source object
  • Adding the defined installment types to this field

To add the field ON_InstallmentType to the Account or invoice source object:

  1. Navigate to the fields list of the corresponding object.
  2. Create the following new field.

    Label API Name Data Type Description
    Installment Type ON_InstallmentType Picklist
    Text (255)
    Formula (Text)
    Specifies the installment type, is copied to the invoice during the invoice run.

    For help about creating fields, see Managing Object Fields.

If you have created the field ON_InstallmentType as a picklist, you must add the intended installment types to the corresponding value picklist.

  1. Navigate to the ON_InstallmentType field of the Account or invoice source object.
  2. In the Values section, click New.
  3. Type the name of the defined installment type setting into the text area.
  4. Click Save.

    This makes the installment setting available for use with accounts or objects based on which you create invoices. Repeat this step for every (previously defined) installment type that you want to make available.

    For help about editing fields, see Managing Object Fields.


If you have created the field ON_InstallmentType as a text or a text formula field, users must specify the exact name of the installment type that they want to apply.

For example configurations, see Installment Examples.

Using JSON Configuration

To hold the intended JSON configuration, you need the custom field CustomInstallment on the Invoice object. You can fill this field from the account or invoice source record using the ON field mechanism.

To this end, you create the following fields:

To create the custom field ON_CustomInstallment:

  1. Navigate to the fields list of the Account or invoice source object.
  2. Create the following new field.

    API Name Data Type Description
    ON_CustomInstallment Formula (Text) Specifies the formula that yields the JSON configuration for variable installments.

    As soon as you want to retrieve values from other fields, you use a formula. Make sure that in this case, you must apply Salesforce's rules for building formula fields (see Build a Formula Field in the Salesforce Help), namely enclosing the strings with quotation marks and combining the strings with the concatenation operator.

    Assume a payment plan that involves two installments, with a fixed first installment whose amount is fetched from a custom Account field First Installment. The formula to produce the JSON as required would look as follows:

    '{' &
    '    "period": "1m(2)",' &
    '    "amount": "' & ONB2__Account__r.First_Installment__c & '",' &
    '    "titles": {' &
    '        "default":{' &
    '            "default":"Installment [PosNo]",' &
    '            "de":"Rate [PosNo]"' &
    '        }' &
    '    }' &

    Assume a payment plan that involves four installments on defined dates (using dateReference) and with defined rates (using rate), see Installment Information. The formula to produce the JSON as required would look as follows:

    '{' &
    '    "period": "fix,fix,fix,fix",' &
    '    "dateReference": "' & "Date1__c" & ',' & "Date2__c" & ',' & "Date3__c" & ',' & "Date4__c" & '",' &
    '    "rate": "' & TEXT(Rate1__c * 100) & ',' & TEXT(Rate2__c * 100) & ',' & TEXT(Rate3__c * 100) & ',' & TEXT(Rate4__c * 100) & '",' &
    '    "titles": {' &
    '        "default": {' &
    '            "default": "Installment [PosNo]",' &
    '            "de": "Rate [PosNo]"' &
    '        }' &
    '    }' &

    Remember that date fields to be used as date reference must be defined on the invoice. You can still use the ON field mechanism (or other automation tools) to have them set automatically.

    Once set up, JustOn copies the JSON configuration produced by the formula to the invoice field CustomInstallment on invoice creation.

Overwriting Titles for Individual Installments and Languages

You can create installment-specific and language-specific titles for individual installments.

When using fixed installments, you add additional title fields to the installment custom setting. The field names must follow a specific syntax in order to be applied by JustOn, as illustrated in the following examples.

Overwrite Target Field Name Examples
Title for the first installment Title1__c First Installment
Title for the first installment on German invoices Title1_de__c Erste Rate
Title for the last installment TitleLast__c Last Installment
Title for the last installment on German invoices TitleLast_de__c Schlussrate
Title for the fifth installment Title5__c Fifth Installment

When using variable installments, you use the JSON key titles to define a data map like "index" : { "language" : "value" }.

"titles": {
        "default":"First Installment",
        "de":"Erste Rate"
        "default":"Last Installment",
        "default":"Fifth Installment"

The following example illustrates the behavior.

(1) Invoice

Field Value
Grand Total 100,00
Payment Due Date 2017-12-31
Installment Type Five by Month

(2) Installment custom setting

Field Value
Name Five by Month
Period 1m(5)
Title Installment [PosNo]
Title1__c First Installment
TitleLast__c Last Installment

(2) Custom installment JSON configuration

    "period": "1m(5)",
    "titles": {
            "default":"Installment [PosNo]"
            "default":"First Installment"
            "default":"Last Installment"

Resulting payment plan

Title Date Amount
First Installment 2017-12-31 20,00
Installment 1 2018-01-31 20,00
Installment 2 2018-02-28 20,00
Installment 3 2018-03-31 20,00
Last Installment 2018-04-30 20,00

Configuring Installment Table on Invoices

With an applied installment configuration, JustOn automatically prints the payment plan to the invoice PDF. There are two template fields that control the display of the corresponding installment information:

Template Field Description
Installment Columns Defines the columns for the installment table. Must be a list of Payment field names separated by semicolons. Defaults to Title__c;Date__c;Amount__c.
Installments Text Specifies text to be rendered above the installment table.

In addition, you can modify or translate the labels for the column headers.

Modifying Installment Table Columns

To configure the contents of the installment table:

  1. Open the template to be edited.
  2. In the Information section, click next to the Installment Columns field and specify the installment table configuration as required.

    Alternatively, you can click Edit in the detail view to edit the field.

    To display the service period for service period-based installments, for example, specify

  3. Click Save.

Modifying Installment Table Column Headers

The template field Override Labels allows to define new labels for the fields that are displayed in the installment table. The field value is in JSON notation. For details, see Configuring Override Labels.

To modify or translate the column header labels:

  1. Open the template to be edited.
  2. In the Overrides section, click next to the Override Labels field and specify the override definition in JSON as required.

    Alternatively, you can click Edit in the detail view to edit the field.

    To define new labels for the default fields, you can use, for example:

        "Payment__c": {
            "Title__c": "Installment Payment",
            "Date__c":"Due Date",
            "Amount__c":"Due Amount"
  3. Click Save.

Specifying Installment Note

To specify a text that introduces the payment plan:

  1. Open the template to be edited.
  2. In the Additional Content section, click next to the Installment Text field and type the text as required.

    Alternatively, you can click Edit in the detail view to edit the field.

  3. Click Save.

Enabling Installment Creation for Single Invoices

To enable the option for individually creating or modifying a payment plan for individual invoices, you may have to manually add the Installments button to the invoice record page.


When upgrading JustOn Billing & Invoice Management from a pre-2.98 version, you must remove the deprecated installments button (labeled Deprecated installments) from the layout and add the new Installments button.

  1. Open the Invoice record detail page in the Lightning App Builder.

    1. Navigate to an invoice.
    2. Click to open the Setup menu, then select Edit Page.
  2. Select the top panel ("Highlights").

  3. Click Add Action and select the action Installments.
  4. Click Done on the action window, then Save in the Lightning App Builder.

Next steps:

Configuring an installment type for a subscription
Configuring an installment type for an invoice
Creating installments manually from draft or open invoices