Enabling Billing & Invoice Management/Cash Management Integration
← Setting Up Receivables/Payables Management
Generally, the way you create or retrieve entries – as representations of your receivables and payables – depends on the integration of JustOn Cash Management with your Salesforce org. A proven solution to do so is integrating JustOn Cash Management with JustOn Billing & Invoice Management, as described in this article. Following this approach, you use JustOn Billing & Invoice Management to create and manage the invoices for the products and services you sell, and use JustOn Cash Management to manage the related payments, directly connecting Salesforce CRM with German or other European banks as well as payment service providers.
The integration of JustOn Billing & Invoice Management with JustOn Cash Management as outlined below is available as of v2.76.
The integration requires the two applications to be set up properly in your Salesforce org. For details, see Installing JustOn Billing & Invoice Management and Setting Up JustOn Cash Management.
Integration concepts
The payment functionality shipped with JustOn Cash Management is centered around entries. These records hold all information with respect to an amount of money owed to or requested by a business partner, based on statements that justify the corresponding request.
In JustOn Billing & Invoice Management, the produced invoices or – if set up and used – installments represent payment requests. Now integrating JustOn Billing & Invoice Management with JustOn Cash Management provides for both
- the creation of the relevant entry records directly after the invoice finalization or installment creation/modification, and
- the creation of the relevant balance records for a registered money flow (where the field
is set toJPAY1
Creating entries on invoice finalization or installment creation, creating balances for payments
For more details, see Billing & Invoice Management/Cash Management Integration.
Integrating JustOn Billing & Invoice Management with JustOn Cash Management involves the following tasks:
- Preparing business entities
- Configuring the required data relations (lookup from entry to invoice/installment, lookup from balance to payment/entry item, PDF preview on entry)
- Enabling the balance creation using flows
- Activating the integration
- Enabling payment page link handling
- Enabling payment instrument handling
- Enabling support for other payment processing data
- Enabling support for additional information on entries
Preparing Business Entities
Integrating JustOn Billing & Invoice Management with JustOn Cash Management provides for the creation of the relevant entry records directly upon invoice finalization. The entries' data is based on invoice data (see Data Mapping).
Entries are always related to a business entity. A business entity record in JustOn Cash Management is created on entry record creation using the information provided by the invoice. So the invoice must specify a business entity, and the relevant business entity custom setting record must hold the required data.
The business entity in JustOn Billing & Invoice Management must specify the company name in the Company
field because it is required in JustOn Cash Management.
To make sure that the required data is available:
Prepare your business entity as required.
The business entity in JustOn Billing & Invoice Management must specify the company name in the
field because it is required in JustOn Cash Management. -
Prepare the invoice data as required.
In addition to all billing-relevant information, the invoices must set the
Business Entity
field. You can use the ON field mechanism, Salesforce flows or other automation tools to have theBusiness Entity
field set automatically when generating invoices. Alternatively, you can have users use the button Set Business Entity, see Setting Business Entity.
Configuring Data Relations
Instead of manually setting up the data relations, you can deploy the required configuration using a JustOn Configurator package.
Enabling Entry Lookups
As entries are always linked to the original statements, you must allow for relating the produced entries with the original invoices or statements. To this end, you create lookup fields on the Entry object.
- Click to enter Setup, then navigate to the fields list of the Entry object.
Create the following new fields.
API Name Data Type Description Invoice Lookup (Invoice) Links to the related invoice.
Must be writable.Payment Lookup (Payment) Links to the related installment ( ONB2__Payment__c
Must be writable.Make sure to allow the relevant users (including the platform integration user for JustOn Cash Management) access to the new fields by adding them either to their assigned profiles or permission sets.
Relating the correct Payment object ONB2__Payment__c
With JustOn Billing & Invoice Management and JustOn Cash Management installed in one Salesforce org, there may be three Payment objects (Payment
, ONB2__Payment__c
, JPAY1__Payment__c
). Unfortunately, the picklist presented when creating the lookup field does not show the object API name.
To verify whether you have selected the correct Payment object (ONB2__Payment__c
) to relate entries with installments, you can use lookup filters:
In step 3 of the field creation wizard, expand the lookup filter settings.
If you do not see lookup filters, you have selected the Salesforce standard object Payment. In this case, go back to step 2 of the wizard and select another Payment object.
In the Filter Criteria section, click the lookup icon next to the
field.The available fields for the Payment object must include, among others,
Account No.
. If this is the case, you have selected the correct Payment object.If these fields are not listed, you have selected the custom object Payment from JustOn Cash Management. In this case, go back to step 2 of the wizard and select another Payment object.
If you have selected the correct Payment object, close the filter settings without setting up a filter (you do not need one) and proceed with creating the lookup field as prompted.
Enabling Balance Lookups
As balances are created or updated as a result of a money flow, you must allow for relating the produced balances with the original payments and, if payments are settled with entries, with the entry items in addition. To this end, you create lookup fields on the Balance object.
- Click to enter Setup, then navigate to the fields list of the Balance object.
Create the following new fields.
API Name Data Type Description CM_Payment Lookup (Payment) Links to the related payment in JustOn Cash Management ( JPAY1__Payment__c
Must be writable.CM_EntryItem Lookup (EntryItem) Links to the related entry item (if the payment is settled with an entry).
Must be writable.Make sure to allow the relevant users (including the platform integration user for JustOn Cash Management) access to the new fields by adding them either to their assigned profiles or permission sets.
Relating the correct Payment object JPAY1__Payment__c
With JustOn Billing & Invoice Management and JustOn Cash Management installed in one Salesforce org, there may be three Payment objects (Payment
, ONB2__Payment__c
, JPAY1__Payment__c
). Unfortunately, the picklist presented when creating the lookup field does not show the object API name.
To verify whether you have selected the correct Payment object (JPAY1__Payment__c
) to relate balances with JustOn Cash Management payments, you can use lookup filters:
In step 3 of the field creation wizard, expand the lookup filter settings.
If you do not see lookup filters, you have selected the Salesforce standard object Payment. In this case, go back to step 2 of the wizard and select another Payment object.
In the Filter Criteria section, click the lookup icon next to the
field.The available fields for the Payment object must include, among others,
Assigned Amount
andAvailable Amount
. If this is the case, you have selected the correct Payment object.If these fields are not listed, you have selected the custom object Payment from JustOn Billing & Invoice Management. In this case, go back to step 2 of the wizard and select another Payment object.
If you have selected the correct Payment object, close the filter settings without setting up a filter (you do not need one) and proceed with creating the lookup field as prompted.
Enabling PDF Preview
Entries provide a public link to the PDF of the original statement. To support this, you must set up the corresponding public file link generation for invoices. This involves enabling the content distribution and creating the PDF preview URL field.
For generating public links, the Salesforce features Content Deliveries and Public Links must be enabled in your org (as described in Preparing JustOn Installation). For details, see Set Up Content Deliveries in the Salesforce Help.
To enable the content distribution:
Click to enter Setup, then open Custom Settings.
In Salesforce Lightning, navigate to Custom Code > Custom Settings.
In Salesforce Classic, navigate to Develop > Custom Settings.
Click Manage in the row of Global Settings.
- Click Edit in the Default row.
- Select the checkbox
Always Create Content Distribution
. - Click Save.
To create the PDF preview URL field:
- Navigate to the fields list of the Invoice object (
). -
Create the following new field.
API Name Data Type Description ContentDistributionUrl URL Specifies the public link to the PDF preview.
Make sure to grant edit access for all users who finalize invoices.
Once set up, this will copy the value from the Content Distribution URL
field on the invoice to the Statement Distribution URL
on the produced entry.
Enabling Balance Synchronization
Registering a money flow for a payment record results in a modified amount value of the payment with a possible settlement with an entry (see Balance Creation). This modification can be used to trigger flows that create or update relevant balances of the related invoices or, if applicable, the accounts.
To this end, configure custom flows that call the appropriate Apex class Create payment balances
provided by JustOn triggered by payment modifications and entry item modifications.
Instead of manually setting up the flows, you can deploy the required configuration using a JustOn Configurator package.
Payment Trigger
- Click to enter Setup, then navigate to Process Automation > Flows.
- Click New Flow.
- Select
Record-Triggered Flow
and click Create. -
Configure the Start element.
Option Value Object Payment
(JPAY1__Payment__c)Trigger A record is created or updated
Conditions None Optimize for Actions and Related Records
Click and add the following Action element.
Option Value Action Create payment balances
Label Synchronize Balances and Payments
API Name Synchronize_Balances_and_Payments
Description Execute balance synchronization for new/updated payments
Input Values {!$Record.Id}
Click Save.
Specify a label, an API name and a description for the flow as required, for example:
Option Value Flow Label CashMgmt Integration - Create/Update Payment
Flow API Name CashMgmt_Integration_Create_Update_Payment
Description Synchronization of payments with balances
Click Activate
JustOn creates the payment balances with the field
set toJPAY1
for every created or updated payment record.For help about creating flows, see Flows in the Salesforce Help.
Settlement Trigger
- Click to enter Setup, then navigate to Process Automation > Flows.
- Click New Flow.
- Select
Record-Triggered Flow
and click Create. -
Configure the Start element.
Option Value Object Entry Item
(JPAY1__EntryItem__c)Trigger A record is created or updated
Conditions None Optimize for Actions and Related Records
Click and add the following Action element.
Option Value Action Create payment balances
Label Synchronize Balances and Entry Items
API Name Synchronize_Balances_and_Entry_Items
Description Execute balance synchronization for new/updated entry items
Input Values {!$Record.JPAY1__Payment__c}
Click Save.
Specify a label, an API name and a description for the flow as required, for example:
Option Value Flow Label CashMgmt Integration - Create/Update Entry Item
Flow API Name CashMgmt_Integration_Create_Update_Entry_Item
Description Synchronization of entry items (settlements) with balances
Click Activate.
JustOn creates the payment balances with the field
set toJPAY1
for every created or updated entry item (settlement) record.For help about creating flows, see Flows in the Salesforce Help.
Deleting Records
The deletion of records is not supported.
The business logic of JustOn Cash Management is implemented in a way that during the normal operation, the system will never delete entries, entry items and payments. Be aware that manual delete operations that bypass the implemented rules will not be synchronized.
Enabling Installment Synchronization
Registering a money flow for a payment record results in a modified amount value of the payment. This modification can be used to trigger flows that synchronize related installments in order to correctly display the received payment amount and the payment status information.
To this end, configure custom flows that call the appropriate Apex class Update installments by Entries
provided by JustOn triggered by payment modifications.
Instead of manually setting up the flow, you can deploy the required configuration using a JustOn Configurator package.
- Click to enter Setup, then navigate to Process Automation > Flows.
- Click New Flow.
- Select
Record-Triggered Flow
and click Create. -
Configure the Start element.
Option Value Object Entry
(JPAY1__Entry__c)Trigger A record is created or updated
Conditions All Conditions Are Met (AND)
Is Null
Optimize for Actions and Related Records
Click and add the following Action element.
Option Value Action Update installments by Entries
Label Update installments by Entries
API Name Update_installments_by_Entries
Description Updating installments after entry update
Input Values: Object Id: {!$Record.Id}
Click Save.
Specify a label, an API name and a description for the flow as required, for example:
Option Value Flow Label CashMgmt Integration - Update installments by Entries
Flow API Name CashMgmt_Integration_Update_installments_by_Entries
Description Synchronization of installments with entries
Click Activate.
JustOn will synchronize the payment information with related installments.
For help about creating flows, see Flows in the Salesforce Help.
Deploying Integration Configuration
Instead of manually setting up the data relations and flows, you can deploy the required configuration using the dedicated JustOn Configurator package. To do so:
- Log in your target Salesforce org.
In the same browser session, open the JustOn Configurator.
If the link does not work, copy the URL
. -
Click Salesforce OAuth2.
This connects the JustOn Configurator with your current Salesforce session using your current credentials. Make sure that you are connected with the intended user and org.
Verifying session settings -
Scroll down the list to find the package
Billing - Cash Management Integration
. -
Click Deploy.
This deploys the data relation and flow configuration as required for the integration of JustOn Billing & Invoice Management with JustOn Cash Management.
Enable Edit access to all new fields.
Activate the flows for the balance creation.
For details, see Post-Deployment Tasks.
Be aware that you must still activate the integration manually.
Activating Integration
To activate the integration with JustOn Cash Management, enable the corresponding global setting:
Click to enter Setup, then open Custom Settings.
In Salesforce Lightning, navigate to Custom Code > Custom Settings.
In Salesforce Classic, navigate to Develop > Custom Settings.
Click Manage in the row of Global Settings.
- Click Edit in the Default row.
- Select the checkbox
Enable JustOn Cash Management
. - Click Save.
Handling Payment Page Links
JustOn Cash Management includes a payment page. It provides your buyers the option to pay their purchases (represented as entries) via integrated payment service providers.
In order to invite your buyers to pay, you publish a link to your payment page. This payment link looks like
where :link-id
encodes the relevant entries and :tenant
represents your organization.
For details, see Payment Page Link.
Enabling payment page link handling in JustOn Billing & Invoice Management involves
- Enabling the link retrieval after finalizing invoices
- Adding the link to the invoice email or PDF
- Optionally, displaying the payment link on the invoice record
Enabling Link Retrieval After Finalization
In case of installment modifications or errors, or after finalizing an invoice from its detail view, users can update the links to the payment page. To enable this option, you add the Get Payment Links button to the Invoices list view.
- Click to enter Setup, then navigate to the object management settings of the Invoice object (
). - Click List View Button Layout.
- In the List View row, click to open the action menu, then select Edit.
Under Custom Buttons, move
Get Payment Links
to the Selected Buttons column. -
Click Save to save the modified page layout.
This makes the Get Payment Links button available on the Invoices list view.
Enabling Link Distribution
Using the built-in placeholder [PaymentPageURL]
, you can add the link to the relevant payment page to the invoice email or invoice PDF document.
Adding Link to Email or PDF
To add the payment link for an invoice (or a combined payment link for all installments of an invoice) to the invoice email or invoice PDF document, you add the built-in placeholder [PaymentPageURL]
to the intended text field of the relevant template.
- Open the template to be edited.
In the intended text field, include the placeholder in the text body.
Possible target text fields may be
Text 2
orText 3
for the PDF andEmail Body
orEmail HTML Body
for the email.Make sure to apply the placeholder filter
to the placeholder, like[PaymentPageURL|no-persist]
Click Save.
For details, see Editing Standard Text Blocks or Modifying Invoice Email.
Customizing Email or PDF Link Display
The placeholder [PaymentPageURL]
masks the URL, showing the custom label PaymentPage
instead. Optionally, you can override this label to display a custom text.
To modify custom labels, you must enable the Translation Workbench. For details, see Enable and Disable the Translation Workbench in the Salesforce Help.
- Click to enter Setup, then navigate to User Interface > Custom Labels.
- Click the name of the label
. - Click New Local Translations/Overrides.
- Select the target language and specify the text as required.
Click Save.
For details about modifying custom labels, see Create and Edit Custom Labels in the Salesforce Help.
Adding Payment Links to Installment Table
For invoices with payment plans, there are individual payment links for each involved installment. You can add these links to the installment table on the invoice PDF.
On the Payment object (ONB2__Payment__c), the formula field Payment
(API name ONB2__PaymentLink__c
) builds a clickable link to the payment page using the value set in the field Payment Page URL
. Similar to the placeholder [PaymentPageURL]
, the formula masks the URL, showing the custom label PaymentPage
To add the payment links to the installment table:
- Open the template to be edited.
In the
Installment Columns
field, specify the table configuration as required.To display the payment link in addition to the default columns, specify
Click Save.
For details on modifying the installment table, see Configuring Installment Table on Invoices.
By default, the installment table uses the field label as column header. Optionally, you can override the label using the template field Override Labels
. For details, see Modifying Installment Table Column Headers.
Displaying Payment Link on Invoice
You usually add the payment link to the email body of your invoice template in order to redirect your users to the payment page. Your business may, in addition, require to make this link available on the detail page of an invoice record.
To this end, you add the field Payment Page URL
to the invoice layout.
- Navigate to the object management settings of the Invoice object (
). - Click Page Layouts.
- In the row of the relevant invoice layout, click to open the action menu, then select Edit.
- From the Fields palette, drag the
Payment Page URL
field to the target layout section. - Click Save.
Enabling Payment Instrument Handling
Payment instruments represent SEPA mandates, credit card handles or online payment handles. JustOn Cash Management implements payment instruments to allow business entities to collect or pay out money from or to customers. To this end, entries (the receivables or payables) can specify a requested payment instrument.
Integrating JustOn Billing & Invoice Management with JustOn Cash Management produces entries from finalized invoices. To enable the automatic payment collection from the produced entries, you need the Entry field Requested Payment Instrument
set on entry creation. This, in turn, requires the information on the invoice and, consequently, as part of the invoice source data – to be transferred to the invoice using the ON field mechanism.
Setting up the support for payment instruments kept in JustOn Cash Management involves the following tasks:
- Creating the payment instrument lookup on the invoice
- Creating the payment instrument lookup on the account or the invoice source object, depending on your business use case
- Adding payment instrument information to the invoice email or PDF
Creating Payment Instrument Lookup on Invoice
To provide for setting the requested payment instrument on produced entries, you create the lookup field RequestedPaymentInstrument
on the Invoice object.
- Click to enter Setup, then navigate to the fields list of the Invoice object (
). -
Create the following new field.
API Name Data Type Description RequestedPaymentInstrument Lookup (Payment Instrument) Links to the relevant payment instrument.
Must be writable.Make sure to allow the relevant users access to the new field by adding it either to their assigned profiles or permission sets.
Relating the correct Payment Instrument object JPAY1__PaymentInstrument__c
With JustOn Billing & Invoice Management and JustOn Cash Management installed in one Salesforce org, there are two Payment Instrument objects (ONB2__PaymentInstrument__c
, JPAY1__PaymentInstrument__c
). Unfortunately, the picklist presented when creating the lookup field does not show the object API name.
To verify whether you have selected the correct Payment Instrument object (JPAY1__PaymentInstrument__c
) to relate invoices with payment instruments from JustOn Cash Management, you can use lookup filters:
- In step 3 of the field creation wizard, expand the lookup filter settings.
In the Filter Criteria section, click the lookup icon next to the
field.The available fields for the Payment Instrument object must include, among others,
Money Flow Incoming
andMoney Flow Outgoing
. If this is the case, you have selected the correct Payment Instrument object.If these fields are not listed, you have selected the custom object Payment Instrument from JustOn Billing & Invoice Management. In this case, go back to step 2 of the wizard and select the other Payment Instrument object.
If you have selected the correct Payment Instrument object, close the filter settings without setting up a filter (you do not need one) and proceed with creating the lookup field as prompted.
Creating Payment Instrument Lookup on Account or Invoice Source
To provide for setting the requested payment instrument on produced invoices, you create the lookup field ON_RequestedPaymentInstrument
on the Account object or the invoice source object, depending on your business use case.
- Click to enter Setup, then navigate to the fields list of the Account object or the invoice source object.
Create the following new field.
API Name Data Type Description ON_RequestedPaymentInstrument Lookup (Payment Instrument) Links to the relevant payment instrument.
Must be writable.Make sure to allow the relevant users access to the new field by adding it either to their assigned profiles or permission sets.
Depending on your use case, you can have users, import processes or custom logic set the field
on the account or the invoice source record. Once set, JustOn Billing & Invoice Management copies the value to the Invoice fieldRequestedPaymentInstrument
(on invoice creation using the ON field mechanism), from where it is passed to the target field on the entry (on entry creation when finalizing the invoice).
Relating the correct Payment Instrument object JPAY1__PaymentInstrument__c
With JustOn Billing & Invoice Management and JustOn Cash Management installed in one Salesforce org, there are two Payment Instrument objects (ONB2__PaymentInstrument__c
, JPAY1__PaymentInstrument__c
). Unfortunately, the picklist presented when creating the lookup field does not show the object API name.
To verify whether you have selected the correct Payment Instrument object (JPAY1__PaymentInstrument__c
) to relate invoices with payment instruments from JustOn Cash Management, you can use lookup filters:
- In step 3 of the field creation wizard, expand the lookup filter settings.
In the Filter Criteria section, click the lookup icon next to the
field.The available fields for the Payment Instrument object must include, among others,
Money Flow Incoming
andMoney Flow Outgoing
. If this is the case, you have selected the correct Payment Instrument object.If these fields are not listed, you have selected the custom object Payment Instrument from JustOn Billing & Invoice Management. In this case, go back to step 2 of the wizard and select the other Payment Instrument object.
If you have selected the correct Payment Instrument object, close the filter settings without setting up a filter (you do not need one) and proceed with creating the lookup field as prompted.
Adding Payment Instrument Information to Email or PDF
Using the relevant built-in placeholders, you can add information about the used JustOn Cash Management payment instrument to the invoice email or invoice PDF document.
Placeholder | Payment Instrument Source Field | Render as | Description |
[CMPI_AccountHolder] |
AccountHolder |
Retrieves the customer's account holder from the used payment instrument. |
Retrieves the customer's BIC from the used payment instrument. |
[CMPI_DDMandateGranted] |
DirectDebitMandateGranted |
Retrieves the Direct Debit Mandate Granted date from the used payment instrument. |
[CMPI_DDMandateReference] |
DirectDebitMandateReference |
Retrieves the direct debit mandate reference from the used payment instrument. |
Retrieves the customer's IBAN from the used payment instrument. |
[CMPI_MaskedPAN] |
MaskedPAN |
Retrieves the masked account number from the used payment instrument. |
[CMPI_BankName] |
BankName |
Retrieves the customer's bank name from the used payment instrument. |
[CMPI_Type] |
Type |
Retrieves the type from the used payment instrument. |
If required, you can define additional custom placeholders to retrieve other data from the JustOn Cash Management payment instrument using the placeholder source CM_PaymentInstrument
(see Custom Placeholders).
To add information about the used payment instrument to the invoice email or invoice PDF document, you add the corresponding placeholder to the intended text field of the relevant template.
- Open the template to be edited.
In the intended text field, include the placeholder in the text body.
Possible target text fields may be
Payment Info Direct Debit
orPayment Info Online Payment
for the PDF andEmail Body
orEmail HTML Body
for the email. -
Click Save.
For details, see Configuring Payment Information Texts or Modifying Invoice Email.
Enabling Support for Other Payment Processing Data
In addition to payment instruments, entries can also define other information to control how subsequent payment processes are to be executed.
Integrating JustOn Billing & Invoice Management with JustOn Cash Management produces entries from finalized invoices. To enable the payment process control from the produced entries, you need the corresponding Entry fields set on entry creation. This, in turn, requires the information on the invoice and, consequently, as part of the invoice source data – to be transferred to the invoice using the ON field mechanism.
Entry Field | Invoice Source Field | Notes |
Requested Bank Account | RequestedBankAccount |
Restricts the payment process to the current bank account for SEPA transactions. |
Requested Payment Instrument | RequestedPaymentInstrument |
Restricts the payment process to the current payment instrument. |
Requested Payment Method | PaymentMethod |
Indicates the expected payment method, which is not mandatory for the payer but can control downstream processes. The picklist values include SEPA , Online Payment and Bank Transfer . |
Requested Payment Provider | RequestedPaymentProvider |
Restricts the payment process to the current payment provider. |
Setting up the support for payment processing data kept in JustOn Cash Management usually involves the following tasks:
- Creating a lookup to the payment processing data on the invoice (except for
Payment Method
. which is already available) - Creating a lookup to the payment processing data on the account or the invoice source object, depending on your business use case
Creating Data Lookup on Invoice
Your business may require to set other payment processing data when creating entries from invoices.
The Invoice standard field Payment Method
is considered by default.
To include bank account or payment provider information, you create the following lookup fields on the Invoice object as necessary:
- Click to enter Setup, then navigate to the fields list of the Invoice object (
). -
Create the following new fields as necessary.
API Name Data Type Description RequestedBankAccount Lookup (Bank Account) Links to the relevant bank account.
Must be writable.RequestedPaymentProvider Lookup (Payment Provider) Links to the relevant payment provider.
Must be writable.Make sure to allow the relevant users access to the new fields by adding them either to their assigned profiles or permission sets.
Creating Data Lookup on Account or Invoice Source
To provide for setting other requested payment processing data on produced invoices, you create the relevant ON fields on the Account object or the invoice source object, depending on your business use case:
- Click to enter Setup, then navigate to the fields list of the Account object or the invoice source object.
Create the following new fields as necessary.
API Name Data Type Description ON_PaymentMethod Picklist Specifies the expected payment method, which is not mandatory for the payer but can control downstream processes.
The picklist must include the payment methods that you intend to support, likeSEPA
,Online Payment
,Bank Transfer
.ON_RequestedBankAccount Lookup (Bank Account) Links to the relevant bank account.
Must be writable.ON_RequestedPaymentProvider Lookup (Payment Provider) Links to the relevant payment provider.
Must be writable.Make sure to allow the relevant users access to the new field by adding it either to their assigned profiles or permission sets.
Depending on your use case, you can have users, import processes or custom logic set the ON fields on the account or the invoice source record. Once set, JustOn Billing & Invoice Management copies the values to the corresponding Invoice fields (on invoice creation using the ON field mechanism), from where they are passed to the target fields on the entry (on entry creation when finalizing the invoice).
Enabling Entry Assignment
Specific integration scenarios with web shops or sales portals may produce entries via the JustOn Cash Management API. In this case, an invoice generated and finalized after the entry has already been created must not trigger the creation of a new entry but "find" the existing one.
To this end, JustOn Cash Management provides the assignment key on entries, and JustOn Billing & Invoice Management supports the entry assignment key on invoices. With the same key, the system will associate an existing entry with a new invoice.
To enable this functionality, add the field EntryAssignmentKey
to the Invoice object.
This field is part of the dedicated JustOn Configurator package, see Deploying Integration Configuration.
- Click to enter Setup, then navigate to the fields list of the Invoice object (
). -
Create the following new field.
API Name Data Type Description EntryAssignmentKey Text (255) Used to associate existing entries with new invoices.
Must be writable.Make sure to allow the relevant users access to the new field by adding it either to their assigned profiles or permission sets.
Depending on your use case, you can have the ON field mechanism or custom logic set the required entry assignment key.
Enabling Automatic Entry Settlement With Specific Payments
JustOn Cash Management uses payment assignment keys on entries to filter the payments that are eligible for the settlement. Your business may require to pass this key from the invoice to the entry. To this end, you set the field PaymentAssignmentKey
on the invoice. On finalization, JustOn Billing & Invoice Management copies the specified value to the produced entry.
To enable this functionality, add the field PaymentAssignmentKey
to the Invoice object.
- Click to enter Setup, then navigate to the fields list of the Invoice object (
). -
Create the following new field.
API Name Data Type Description PaymentAssignmentKey Text (255) Used to filter eligible payments for automatic settlement.
Must be writable.Make sure to allow the relevant users access to the new field by adding it either to their assigned profiles or permission sets.
Depending on your use case, you can have users, import processes or custom logic set the required payment assignment key.
Enabling Additional Information on Entries
Entries hold relevant information with respect to an amount of money owed to or requested by a business partner. This data is based on a specific set of invoice data or installment data (see Data Mapping). Your business, however, may require to copy additional information from the invoice or installment to the entry for further processing in JustOn Cash Management.
To this end, JustOn Billing & Invoice Management provides a specific copy mechanism: all additional custom fields on the entry – with the same API name and data type as the source fields on the invoice or the installment – invoke a copy operation on entry creation when finalizing the invoice or modifying installments. Specific field prefixes (like for the ON field mechanism) are not required.
You create the required custom field (for example, CustomInfo
) on both the Invoice object and the Entry object. On entry creation, JustOn Billing & Invoice Management will copy the given value from the invoice field to the corresponding field on the produced entry.
Explicitly set entry fields → excluded from copy operation
The integration will set the following fields explicitly when creating entries according to the applied business logic. This is why they will not be copied as additional custom fields:
Entry Field | Invoice Source Field | Installment Source Field | Default Value/Notes |
Account | Account |
Invoice__r.Account |
AccountName | AccountName |
Invoice__r.AccountName |
BPNumber | DebtorNo orAccount__r.ON_DebtorNo |
Invoice__r.DebtorNo orInvoice__r.Account__r.ON_DebtorNo |
BPType | Debtor Creditor |
BusinessEntity | Tenant |
Invoice__r.Tenant |
Contact | EmailContact |
Invoice__r.EmailContact |
Invoice | Id |
Invoice |
OpenAmount | NextPaymentDue |
OpenPaymentAmount |
Payment | Id |
PaymentDate | Date of the last associated payment, which sets the entry to Balanced |
PaymentReference | PaymentReference |
RequestedBankAccount | RequestedBankAccount |
Invoice__r.RequestedBankAccount |
RequestedPaymentInstrument | RequestedPaymentInstrument |
Invoice__r.RequestedPaymentInstrument |
RequestedPaymentMethod | PaymentMethod |
Invoice__r.PaymentMethod |
RequestedPaymentProvider | RequestedPaymentProvider |
Invoice__r.RequestedPaymentProvider |
ServicePeriodEnd | ServicePeriodEnd |
ServicePeriodEnd |
ServicePeriodStart | ServicePeriodStart |
ServicePeriodStart |
StatementDate | Date |
Invoice__r.Date |
StatementDescription | |||
StatementDistributionUrl | ContentDistributionUrl |
Invoice__r.ContentDistributionUrl |
StatementId | Salesforce ID of the original invoice/installment | ||
StatementNo | Name |
Invoice__r.Name |
StatementPaymentDueDate | NextPaymentDueDate |
Date |
StatementType | Invoice Installment |
Status | Status |
PaymentStatus |
Open → Open Paid → Balanced |
Title | Invoice: custom label with invoice number Installment: custom label with title and invoice number |
Type | Debit for positive amountCredit for negative amount |
To enable this functionality, add the intended fields to the Entry object.
On the Entry object, create new custom fields with the same API name and data type as the source fields on the invoice or installment.
This copies the corresponding field values to the entry.
Enabling Error Display
After integrating JustOn Billing & Invoice Management with JustOn Cash Management, invoice-related business processes may produce errors.
To enable the error display, add the field CM_IntegrationError
to the Invoice object.
This field is part of the dedicated JustOn Configurator package, see Deploying Integration Configuration.
- Click to enter Setup, then navigate to the fields list of the Invoice object (
). -
Create the following new field.
API Name Data Type Description CM_IntegrationError Text (255) Displays errors that result from processes related to the integration with JustOn Cash Management. Make sure to allow the relevant users access to the new field by adding it either to their assigned profiles or permission sets.