
Billing - Cash Management Integration

This JustOn Configurator package adds a standard configuration for integrating JustOn Cash Management with JustOn Billing & Invoice Management. For details, see Enabling JustOn Cash Management.


System preconditions:

Deploying package

To deploy a configurator package:

  1. Log in your target Salesforce org.
  2. In the same browser session, open the JustOn Configurator.

    If the link does not work, copy the URL

  3. Click Salesforce OAuth2.

    This connects the JustOn Configurator with your current Salesforce session using your current credentials. Make sure that you are connected with the intended user and org.


  4. Open the relevant tab.

  5. Scroll down the list to find the relevant package.
  6. Click Deploy.

    This deploys the configuration as described to your org.

    Back in your Salesforce org, make sure to add the deployed components to permission sets as necessary.

Deployed Artifacts

The package adds the following artifacts:

  • Invoice/installment fields on Entry
  • Payment/entry item fields on Balance
  • Flows to create balance records
Object Field API Name Data Type Description
Entry Invoice Lookup (Invoice) Links to the related invoice.
Payment Lookup (Payment) Links to the related installment (ONB2__Payment__c object).
Balance CM_Payment Lookup (Payment) Links to the related payment in JustOn Cash Management (JPAY1__Payment__c object).
CM_EntryItem Lookup (EntryItem) Links to the related entry item (if the payment is settled with an entry).
Invoice EntryAssignmentKey Text(255) Used to uniquely associate existing entries with invoices on invoice finalization.
  • CashMgmt Integration - Create/Update Entry Item
  • CashMgmt Integration - Create/Update Payment
  • CashMgmt Integration - Update installments by Entries

Post-Deployment Tasks

  1. Enable Edit access to all new fields via the permission set JustOn Additional Fields.
  2. Activate the flows for the balance creation.
  3. Activate the integration.
  4. Optionally, enable the PDF preview and configure the payment page link handling.